Choose your Category
Please select the word category that you would like to explore, or to practice with, so you can increase your vocabulary skills.
God, god, deity, divine
govern, leading
hear, hearing; listen, listening
heat, hot, warm
high, highest; top; tip; end; extremities of the body
land, ground, fields, earth (world)
Latin-Greek Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes
life, live, living
look, see, vision
love, fondness
man, mankind
pain, hurt; suffering, injury
principal, principle, principals, principles
speak, word
Story Translations
testes, testicles
treatment of diseases or illnesses
war, war-like, battle
water; moist, moisture, wet
woman, women, female
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You may return to the category quiz list again, if you want to choose a different group.
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